PSA President Paul Griffiths has published a Christmas message for 2021:
"Once again we approach the festive season with some uncertainty over the context in which we’ll be living during the coming weeks and months.
"Christmas is a time of love and togetherness and I hope that despite the difficulties that face our nation once more, that we all find some time to enjoy the company of our friends and loved ones in whatever way we can.
"The pandemic has reminded us of the importance of being thankful for our health and our freedom. Two great privileges I’m sure we will never take for granted again.
"It has also brought out the most incredible displays of community spirit, generosity and care that we have seen in our lifetime, supported by the most dedicated and professional public services.
"Many of our policing workforce, alongside our emergency service colleagues, will treat Christmas as any other working day, ‘clocking in’ to be there for those that need us. As a nation, I know I speak for all when I say we are thankful and grateful for these unerring efforts. I also extend my thanks to the families of those working throughout the Christmas period, who are the crucial support network that is often forgotten.
"I hope for a safe and peaceful time for all and would like to wish the entire policing family along with all our partners, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."